Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Tuesday in Toronto

I decided to walk down the the water front first thing in the morning. I start at the bottom of Younge St, which is the longest street in the world at 1900k. The whole lake side was heavy with fog. There are three islands just of the shore but all I can see is gray. Not a good weather day. I walk along the water front. I figure I might as well use this time to explore, if htere's anything good I can always come bacj tomorrow if the weather is better.

Once I reach the end of the water front I catch one of the trolley cars to head back into town. When I emerge from the train station, the sun is bright and the sky is blue. It's bazaar. The lake is still covered in fog but in the city bright and clear. My day is picking up, at least the weather in town is good for exploring.

I wander up and down Toronto taking pictures of interesting buildings and trying to find a ATM that will accept my cash card. For some reasons the Canadians like the Halifax less than the Americans. I also walk down to the CN Tower, but decide not to go up because of the fog on the lake.

Then I head back to the hostel. I'd picked up a free paper on my travels and found out about a cheap student comedy night. Toobie Tuesday at the Yuk Yuk Club (toobie is the name for the $2 coin in Canada). I bump into Geoff at the hostel and we head of for some beer and laughs...


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